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Hand-book of the Mining laws of British Columbia.  Consisting of a summary of the "Mineral Act" and the "Placer Act"
The mining laws of British Columbia contrasted with those of other countries.
A mining case of importance: Wilson v. Whitten: judgments thereon
A mining case of importance, Wilson vs. Whitten [microform] : judgements thereon criticized by the plaintiff / [Wm. Wilson].
Regulation establishing a system of licences for the coat and petroleum industries
Synopses of the laws relating to the mineral industry of British Columbia.
British Columbia directory of mines / published by the Mining Record Limited Liability.  With A synopsis of mining laws / by Archer Martin
The mineral industry of British Columbia ; being a short history of mining in the province, a synopsis of the mining laws in force, a compilation of useful prospecting information, elementary placer-mining information, statistics of mineral production to date, and a brief summary of the progress of mining during 1933
British Columbia, the mineral province of Canada : being a short history of mining in the province, a synopsis of the mining laws in force, statistics of mineral production to date, and a brief summary of the progress of mining during ...
A practical view of the mining laws of British Columbia; by Joseph Park.

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