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Leehey's mining code for the use of miners and prospectors in Washington and Alaska with notes and annotations and forms for general use
Mining law in British Columbia, Mexico, and the United States [microform] / by Rossiter W. Raymond.
Mining law in British Columbia, Mexico and the United States
Hand-book of the Mining laws of British Columbia.  Consisting of a summary of the "Mineral Act" and the "Placer Act"
The mining laws of British Columbia contrasted with those of other countries.
Reales ordenanzas para la direccion, regimen y gobierno del importante Cuerpo de la Mineria de Nueva-Espana, y de su Real Tribunal General. De orden de Su Magestad.
Synopses of the laws relating to the mineral industry of British Columbia.
A mining case of importance: Wilson v. Whitten: judgments thereon
Gold dust : how to find it, and how to mine it : an elementary treatise on the methods and appliances used by miners on the frontier, with other useful information.

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